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equipment manager 设备经理
面议 南京鼓楼区 8年以上 本科
  • 绩效奖金带薪年假交通补助
equipment manager 设备经理
面议 南京鼓楼区 8年以上 本科
  • 绩效奖金带薪年假交通补助
job description 职位描述
—according to the company's strategic plan and annual business plan, formulate the department's annual work plan, guide, supervise and inspect the implementation of the department's personnel work plan;
—to organize and formulate the management system, working procedures and implementation rules of the equipment department, and constantly optimize and improve them according to the actual operation situation.
—to organize the management of all production equipment, power equipment, power supply facilities and equipment in the factory;
—according to the production demand, organize and formulate large, medium and small equipment maintenance and maintenance plans, and organize the implementation;
—organize and carry out the selection and transformation of new equipment, installation and commissioning of equipment;
—establish the management of equipment account archives, regularly or irregularly collate and improve;
—organize the daily maintenance and maintenance of water, electricity and gas in the company.—组织做好公司水、电、气日常维护与保养工作;
—to guide and cultivate the subordinate team, improve team performance ability, and propose the development mechanism of talent echelon;
complete the daily hygiene and cleaning of the assigned area, and comply with the management requirements of 5s management on site.
—comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the state and the company on production safety, and conscientiously implement the requirements of various management regulations;
—complete other tasks assigned by superior leaders.
tenure requirements 任职要求
—bachelor degree or above in chemistry, machinery manufacturing and automation;
—at least 8 years working experience as equipment and maintenance manager in chemical industry;
—familiar with chemical production and power equipment, understand equipment and energy management; familiar with chemical process, equipment drawings; chemical industry equipment and installation debugging experience; chemical equipment large, medium and small maintenance experience; proficient in the structure, status, technical indicators of chemical equipment;
—strong leadership, team management, judgment and decision-making, interpersonal and communication skills, planning and execution skills.
会员中心 提示:订单支付,立即生效
天数: 0
共计: 0
确认 取消

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